Cave Rescue Teams from MCRO, SECRO & GCRG Conduct Major Training Exercise @ 89th
We had a fantastic weekend at the 89th Reading hosting a joint cave rescue training exercise for the GCRG, SECRO, and MCRO groups. Over 60 of them attended the exercise on the Sunday and there were 40 for the dinner/social event on Saturday evening. The 89th mine team was on hand to support the exercise and provide the 'casualties'. As always we learned a lot and it provided the perfect opportunity to catch up with old friends and make new ones too.
Paul Taylor, Chairman of GCRG said: "I would like to express our most sincere thanks to all from the 89th for making the weekend such a brilliant event"
The 89th replied that without the help and support GCRG and others have given us over the years we would not have been able to reopen the mine for our young people to enjoy.
Photos credit: Paul Taylor RedHouse Productions
